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An alternative look at the news

  Sun 31 Aug 2008

National Guardsmen help keep historic New Orleans safe

New Orleans, LA

Faced with the impending fury of hurricane Gutstav, New Orleans is today much better prepared to handle the onslaught of Mother Nature, thanks in part to about 2000 members of the Louisiana Army National Guard, some of who are seen here guarding one of New Orleans' historic sites, Larry Flynt's Hustler Club.

"When Gustav's gone and the cleanup's over, The Hustler Club will be ready to welcome our tourists back", said Mayor Ray Nagin.  "I'm looking forward to going there myself", he was heard to say.

  Thu 28 Aug 2008

NBC sues McCain campaign over Palin photo

Anchorage, AK

In a move that caught even hardened political watchers by surprise, NBC president Steve Capus announced today that his company was suing the McCain campaign for releasing a photo of Sen. McCain hugging his vice-presidential choice, Alaska governer Sarah Palin.

Mr. Capus alleged that the photograph is actually from a Seinfeld episode and shows the character of Justin Pitt hugging Elaine Benes, played by Julia Louis-Dreyfus.  "What will they pull next?", asked an angry Capus.  "Kramer pretending to be George Bush?"

Sen. McCain's office could not be reached for comment.  When informed about the lawsuit, Ms. Louis-Dreyfus responded with "Get OUT!".

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