Working with positions
A position represents any of the following:
- A security you currently hold.
- A security you held but have since sold.
- A security or index you're watching.
Held and sold positions
When you add a position to a portfolio, TakeStock 2 tracks its current value and unrealized gain or loss (i.e. current value - cost basis).
When you sell a position, TakeStock 2 computes the realized gain or loss (sale proceeds - cost basis). You can undo a position sale at any time.
You can record a position's dividend payments and capital gain distributions. This enables you to determine the position's true appreciation over time, and not just its change in market value.
Watching a security
You can watch a security to monitor its current price, and optionally be alerted when the price nears your buy or sell target. A watched position doesn't affect the portfolio's total value.
Positions can be modified after they have been added to a portfolio.
See also:
- Adding a position
- Selling a position
- Unselling a position
- Modifying a position
- Deleting a position
- Copying a position
- Moving a position
- Grouping similar positions
- Finding positions
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